The National Council for Refoundation (CNR), launched in early September by Emmanuel Macron, focuses on 7 themes. The theme dedicated to digital technology explores the relationship of the French to it in its uses and its impact on society. It was launched on Tuesday, November 22 by Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Transition and Telecommunications, in the presence of François Bayrou, Secretary General of the Conseil National de la Refondation and High Commissioner for Planning.
The Conseil National de la Refondation brings together representatives of political forces, social partners, local elected officials, representatives of the economic world and associations. This Council aims to move the country forward in a spirit of dialogue and shared responsibility. It is innovative because of its ambition to bring all the stakeholders to the table, to deal with concrete and daily issues in the framework of national and local debates, with the aim of providing solutions as close to the ground as possible.
A first consultation was put online in early October. Open to all citizens, it aims to collect their opinions on the following 7 themes: Climate and Biodiversity, Housing, Future of Work, Youth, Economic Sovereignty, Digital and Aging Well.
The 3,652 respondents perceive digital technology as "essential, useful and practical, essential in all life contexts, but at the same time invasive, intrusive and time-consuming, with sometimes harmful effects and risks" .
The National Council for Digital Refoundation
The CNR Numérique focuses on how digital technology is transforming everyday life. If the digital transition is an opportunity in many sectors, professional or private, it is also a source of complexity, insecurity for many French people and a factor of exclusion for people far from basic uses (elderly, in great precariousness...)During this first meeting, 120 participants were able to share their views on three themes:
- Challenges in terms of digital inclusion;
- The digital transition in everyday life at work;
- The challenges of calming down the digital space and fighting against online violence.
"The CNR Numérique is a method that will allow the direct association of organized civil society and the French people. Its objective is clear: to build together concrete solutions to protect, accompany and integrate all French people in the ongoing digital transition. France has many assets to offer in the digital sector, and our society must also ensure that no French person is left by the wayside of this transition.
Translated from Le Conseil National de la Refondation lance son volet numérique