Smart grid: call for entries for the smart grids 2023 thesis award

Smart grid: call for entries for the smart grids 2023 thesis award

Created in 2015, the Think Smartgrids association aims to develop the Intelligent Electric Networks (IE) sector in France and to promote its know-how in Europe and internationally. Each year, it organizes a thesis prize with its Scientific Council to reward young researchers for their contributions to smart grids and the energy transition. At the end of September, it launched a call for applications inviting them to submit their work for the smart grids 2023 thesis award.

Chaired by Marianne Laigneau, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Enedis, the Think Smartgrids association has about a hundred members, including start-ups as well as major groups, research laboratories, universities, professional associations and competitive clusters.

The activities of its members cover the entire Smart Grids value chain: network managers, electrical engineering, telecommunications equipment, automation and information systems, training, market models and regulation.

Its industrial references range from network modernization to the support of strong growth in demand, through the integration of renewable energies or the implementation of energy efficiency mechanisms. The Commission de Régulation de l’Énergie, the Direction des Entreprises and the Direction Générale de l’Énergie et du Climat are observer members.

Each year, the Think Smartgrids Scientific Council awards a prize for theses completed in French doctoral schools or under joint supervision during the association’s January festivities.

Three prizes (one for women, one for men, and the jury’s favorite) are open to the competition for a technological innovation or remarkable scientific advance(s) related to smart grids themes (integration of renewable energies, self-consumption, optimization of asset management, predictive maintenance, cybersecurity, AI for networks, etc.).

Each of them will receive a €2,000 prize thanks to the sponsorship of RTE, Enedis and EDF.

The jury, made up of experts, will be co-chaired by Nouredine Hadjsaid, Professor at Grenoble INP and Chairman of the Think Smartgrids Scientific Advisory Board, Pierre Mallet, Director of R&D and Innovation at Enedis, and Michel Bena, Deputy Director of R&D at Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE), both of whom are vice-chairmen of the Think Smartgrids Scientific Advisory Board.

Application deadlines:

Applications must be submitted by :

  • November 10, 2022 for theses defended between October 1, 2021 and October 31, 2022;
  • December 9, 2022 for theses defended between November 1 and November 30, 2022.

To apply, you can follow this link.

Translated from Réseau électrique intelligent : appel à candidature au prix de la thèse smart grids 2023