Home 2019
L’intelligence artificielle, on en parle beaucoup. Mais comment passer à l’IA quand on est une TPE, PME ou ETI et pour quels bénéfices ? Nos contributeurs experts, issus de l’intelligence artificielle et de la transformation numérique vous éclairent sur le sujet....
Hi and welcome to this french AI ecosystem news digest. France Digitale Day: 5 billion euros announced over 3 years to help French start-ups Last Wednesday, France Digitale Day took place at the Musée des Arts Forains. Emmanuel Macron announced that institutional investors would ...
Comment l’intelligence artificielle peut-elle révolutionner l’éducation ? Ces deux dernières décennies, les MOOC on permis de démocratiser la connaissance, en proposant des cours et formations entières sur internet. L’intelligence artificielle représente elle aussi une grande opp...
Les secteurs financiers sont en train de vivre une véritable révolution. L’analyse prédictive, la détection de fraudes et la personnalisation des offres permises par l’intelligence artificielle sont en train de changer la donne. Sans parler de la solution IBM Watson qui bouscule ...
L’intelligence artificielle révolutionne l’industrie. Des chaînes d’approvisionnement à l’optimisation des chaînes de productions en passant par la maintenance préventive et prédictive. L’ensemble des secteurs de l’industrie sont en cours de mutation....
Les spécialistes s’accordent à dire que l’intelligence artificielle aura un fort impact sur l’emploi dans les années à venir. Alors, chance ou danger ? Face aux craintes de certains, d’autres sont beaucoup plus positifs et avancent un bilan création/suppression d’emplois positifs...
De réelles prouesses technologiques de l’intelligence artificielle. Les véhicules autonomes sont l’une des innovations les plus spectaculaires de l’intelligence artificielle puisqu’ils s’apprêtent à révolutionner nos moyens de transports. Toutefois, passé l’enthousiasme connu ave...
Les promesses de l’intelligence artificielle en médecine sont gigantesques. Les dernières avancées ont permis de faire des bonds en matière de diagnostic de maladies. Ainsi, le Professeur Chrétien expliquait le 21 novembre 2018 au CHRU de Nancy concernant un groupe de tumeurs rar...
Microsoft will open a global development center dedicated to AI and Digital Transformation on its Issy-les-Moulineaux Campus, in France. This center will help companies and startups from all over the world in their transition to the latest technologies. (Full article in French) ...
Télécom ParisTech Launches its New Research and Teaching Chair “Data Science & Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry & Services” Within this new Chair, research will be conducted along four main lines: Axis 1: Development of predictive analysis on t...
Luc Julia, co-creator of Siri and VP of Innovation at Samsung has just published a book titled “L’intelligence artificielle n’existe pas”, meaning “Artificial intelligence doesn’t exist”. We met him in order to learn more about his point ...
IBM announces its installation in Paris-Saclay and the opening of a co-innovation center in artificial intelligence. The first offices will open in March 2019. The co-innovation center will be launched within 2 years and will host 100 engineers on-site. This announcement has been...
Genopole launches a call for application to its Shaker and Booster programs Genopole is an association of 87 companies, 17 research labs, 28 platforms, and universities. This cluster is dedicated to research in Genetics and Biotechnologies applied to the environment. The shaker p...
News AI4EU: AI4EU has been officially launched in Barcelona on January 10. It is a collaborative project which aims to mobilize the European AI community and create a collaborative AI platform. This initiative has been founded as an H2020 project with an overall budget of 20 mill...
iBorderCtrl is an AI based lie detector project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020. The tool will be used on people crossing borders of some European countries. It officially enables faster border control. It will be tested in Hungary, Greece and Letonia until August 201...
More than 420 French startups are showcasing their products and technologies at the CES. However, discovering those who focus on AI technologies might be difficult because they are mostly grouped by regional delegations. A lot of them have developed technologies based on AI, amon...
Governments around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the strategic and sensitive nature of AI-based technologies. This awareness is reflected in plans and announcements of investment in these technologies, but there is also a recent shift towards increased control. Inv...
ActuIA was founded 2 years ago after we noticed there was a lack of up-to-date information about AI in French. We focus on every aspect of artificial intelligence, among which: techniques, ethics, new startups and impact on our society. Our goals are to democratize AI know...