Germany: the SPELL project, a semantic platform for decision support in crisis situations

Germany: the SPELL project, a semantic platform for decision support in crisis situations

In June 2021, the three-year research project SPELL (Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und Einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und beim Lagemanagement, in French: Plateforme sémantique pour la prise de décision intelligente et le support opérationnel dans les centres de contrôle et dans la gestion de situation) began. The aim of this initiative is to implement a measure to prevent hazards, provide emergency assistance and thus adapt to crisis situations. The project involves the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) in Kaiserslautern and takes part in GAIA-X.

A project to develop a semantic platform for intelligent decision-making in crisis situations

The project is based on an observation that is supported by all parties involved in the initiative. In crisis situations such as major disasters, pandemics, natural disasters or widespread power outages, resources must be allocated correctly and the best decision must be made on the basis of available information.

Of course, this is only possible if the emergency services or the persons in charge of the intervention have an overview of the useful data and information available at any given moment and if all the intervention teams can be quickly connected. Thus, the project partners are convinced that AI can be used in this sense to minimize bad decisions and improve interventions in such disastrous situations.

A dozen partners for the SPELL project

Twelve partners are working together to successfully harness AI for good in this initiative (ed. note: GmbH stands for “limited liability company”):

  • Advancis Software & Services (Consortium Leader)
  • Corevas GmbH & Co
  • DRK-Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
  • Empolis Information Management GmbH,
  • IESE
  • ISE Informatikgesellschaft für Software-Entwicklung mbH,
  • LiveReader GmbH,
  • Technical University of Darmstadt,
  • VfS Verband
  • Apheris AI GmbH

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy and takes part in GAIA-X, a European project to facilitate interoperable services and data exchange, based on an implementation of technical protocols and common ethical requirements.

How will this SPELL semantic platform be designed?

In order to function, AI-supported services will process incoming sensor data, for example, to predict the spread of polluting clouds or the magnitude of an earthquake. Machine learning will be exploited to provide reliable results based on the situation analyzed by the model. IESE will be involved in setting up its methodology. The platform will integrate various data sources while complying with the regulations governing data protection.

Apheris, one of the latest entrants to the project, will use its expertise to adapt the model to the requirements of each possible scenario and will enhance it with appropriate additional modules. In particular, the platform will integrate the Apheris Core privacy engine that will guarantee a secure use of the tool while preserving the privacy of the machine learning processes deployed by IESE.

Translated from Allemagne : le projet SPELL, une plateforme sémantique pour l’aide à la décision dans les situations de crise