This November 12 is the second day of the annual Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) 2021 Summit, led this year by Inria. This event will allow international experts to present their work around the five GPAI working groups: Responsible AI, Data Governance, Future of Work, Innovation and Commercialization, AI and the Pandemic Response. You can follow the public sessions online:

From November 11 to November 12, additional sessions were also organized around the themes: AI and Earth Observation, AI and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Regulation of AI as well as a special session with Inria Chile on AI in Latin America.

Here is the program of this second day of the GPAI 2021 Summit:

  • 09h00- 10h00: Innovation and Commercialization Working Group with Yann Dietrich (Atos), Jean-François Gagné (ServiceNow), Ingo Hoffman (AI Hamburg, ADI Innovation AG), Laurence Liew (AI Singapore), Inma Martinez (Independent Expert in Industrial and Societal digital transformation), Hiroshi Maruyama (Preferred Networks, Inc., University of Tokyo, Kao Corporation) and Françoise Soulié (Hub France IA)
  • 10h00- 11h00 : Data Governance Working Group with Maja Bogataj Jančič (Intellectual Property Institute), Alison Gillwald (ICT Africa), Neil Lawrence (University of Cambridge) and Jeni Tennison (Open Data Institute)
  • 11:00- 11:30: Coffee break
  • 11:30- 13:00: Side event on "Human Centric, Innovative AI and Regulation" with Ali Shah (Head of Technology, Information Commissioner's Office - UK), Kay Firth-Butterfield (Head of AI & Machine Learning and Member of the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum), Thomas Hahn (Chief Expert Software, Siemens and President of Big Data Value Association), Lynne Parker (National AI Initiative Office, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy), Lucilla Sioli (Director for Digital Industry DG-Connect - European Commission) and Yeong Zee Kin (Assistant Executive Info-Communications Media Development Authority, Deputy Commissioner of Personal Data Protection Commission Singapore)
  • 13h00- 14h00: Lunch at the Great Hall
  • 14h00- 15h00 : AI and Pandemics Working Group with Allison Cohen (Mila), Elliot Layne (Mc Gill University), Alice Oh (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Michael O'Sullivan (University of Auckland) and Paul Suetens (KU Leuven)
  • 15h00- 16h00 : Side event on "AI and societal/social SDGs" organized jointly with the Paris Peace Forum, with Virginia Dignum (Umea University), Karine Gentelet (Chair Abeona ENS OBVIA on AI and social justice), Wanda Munoz (Seguridad Humana en Latinoamerica y el Caribe), Catherine Régis (University of Montreal's Faculty of Law) and Takanori Shibata (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
  • 16h00- 16h30 : Coffee break
  • 16h30- 17h45 : Multistakeholder Expert Group Plenary Meeting with Christina Colclough (Founder, Why Not Lab), Yuko Harayama (Executive Director RIKEN), Joanna Shields (CEO at BenevolentAI), Renaud Vedel (French National Coordinator for Artificial Intelligence), Jordan Zed (Director General, External and Trade Policy Branch, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada)
  • 17h45- 18h00 : Closure
The initiative initiated in 2018 by France and Canada, since joined by many countries, aims to guide the responsible development and use of AI in a spirit of respect for human rights, inclusion, diversity, innovation and economic growth. To achieve this goal, member countries will focus on bridging theory and practice and will support cutting-edge research and practical implementation activities related to AI priorities.

Translated from Suivez en direct la seconde journée du Sommet annuel du Partenariat mondial sur l’IA (GPAI) 2021