This year again, DATAQUITAINE offers the possibility to companies (Startup, SME, Large Groups), laboratories and administrations to participate in the event in the form of a 30 minutes presentation. These presentations will bebroadcasted live onDataquitaine's Youtube channel .

The DATAQUITAINE event is :

  • 3,500 cumulativeparticipants at the event in 2022.
  • 8 relatedtopics addressed by AI and Data-science experts.
  • Free participation for speakers and participants.

The program and the themes :

The program, rich in 8 themes covering various subfields of AI and Data Science, will be available on the platform's website( It is summarized below:
  1. Data recovery: Tracking, crawling, consolidation, parsing,...
  2. Data structuring: ETL, Indexing, Structured Data, Data
    Management, Learning Algorithm, Classification by Machine Learning...
  3. Data availability : Business Intelligence, Dashboard, KPI,
    Security, High Performance...
  4. Data analysis : Forecasting, statistics, correlations, Machine Learning,...
  5. Operational Research: Planning, Optimization, Decision Support,
    Simulation, Algorithm, Yield, Revenue Management, Pricing
  6. Artificial Intelligence: Robotics, Neural Networks, Deep Reinforcement,
    Automation, Chatbot...
  7. Digital Sobriety: AI and Data projects that have integrated methodologies, tools or
    tools or technologies that allow to reduce consumption by optimizing
    computing time or data volume.
  8. Data Ops / ML Ops: Feedback on methodologies and project management tools used by
    management tools used by data analysis and management teams to improve quality and reduce
    improve the quality and reduce the cycle time of data analysis
If you wish to propose a presentation, please fill in the attached template
with your abstract specifying the theme(s) and the underlying issues. All abstracts will be
abstracts will be analyzed by our jury composed of 10 specialists in the field who will
who will validate all the selected presentations.

Please note a few rules:

  • Each speaker must belong to an organization that has at least 1 employee in
    New Aquitaine;
  • The abstract must present a scientific, technological
    (methodological or practical application);
  • Please take care of the spelling and the clarity of your abstract;
  • Attach to the file a logo of the organization, a short description, a photo and
    a short biography of the speaker who will present the 02 March 2023.
The complete file must be sent to

Here is the calendar for the DATAQUITAINE 2023 event:

Deadline for sending applications: 15/12/2022
  • Publication of plenary sessions: 03/01/2023
  • Return date for acceptance of abstracts: 09/01/2023
  • Publication of the program and opening of registrations: from 02/02/2023 until
Date of the conference: 02/03/2023

Translated from Appel à contribution pour la 6ème édition de la conférence DATAQUITAINE