IoT Week by CITC is back for a 6th edition, organized from December 5 to 9, 2022, on the Euratechnologies site in Lille, as well as in several other cities in the Hauts-de-France. Like every year since 2015, CITC - the IoT, AI and cybersecurity cluster, invites the innovation ecosystem for a week to scrutinize new trends in future technologies and better understand the transformations of the world, through great testimonials and feedback. This year, the theme of the event will be: "Acting in an uncertain world".

Climate / Sovereignty / Blue Economy / Mutations and the topics addressed during this week of exchanges

The future of the planet is uncertain: water tables at their lowest, temperature peaks... climate change is a major concern and will be a theme of the 6th edition of IoT Week. Experts will take the stage to answer the following questions: "How can technologies improve the environment? and "Thanks to technologies, it is possible to reduce the environmental impact". A digital climate mural that will analyze the causes and consequences of climate disruption will also be created in the form of a creative and collaborative game. In the company of spokespersons from Ileo, Vilogia, elected officials, cybersecurity representatives, business leaders and a member of the UNESCO Commission on Water.

A day dedicated to water will also be organized.

  • Plenary Assembly on water on December 7, 2022: Intervention of elected officials, the University of Lille, Fadi Georges Comair, UNESCO, Ileo... The same day: a workshop with the Blue Living Lab (Nausicaa).
  • Plenary Assembly on climate and environment on December 8, 2022: Intervention of elected officials, Eric Gilmant (Director of the North-Paris-Centre region of Siemens), Digital Industries, Euraclimat (project to fight against climate change - an initiative led by the MEL), the start-up Bioteos, a representative of Vilogia...
Digital sovereignty is another major topic with some major states developing a local data economy and strengthening their residency laws. Business spokespersons will discuss how to build and strengthen digital sovereignty, new business challenges, closed ecosystems or free and open innovation. A half-day session on "energy networks and cybersecurity" will also be organized, with the MEDEE cluster.
  • Plenary Assembly on December 6, 2022: "How to build and strengthen digital sovereignty?
  • Speech by André-Yves Portnoff (Scientific and editorial advisor of Futuribles International Visiting professor at the Hautes Ecoles de Gestion of Fribourg and Geneva and at the IMSG of Geneva Speaker at the Edgar Morin Chair of ESSEC), Marcel Moritz (HDR Lecturer CERAPS UMR 8026 Assessor for international relations Vice dean for international relations Director of the Master of Digital Law Director of the DU informatique et libertés), a representative of the ANSSI.
Finally, it is no longer a time for transition, but rather for digital transformation. Changes are taking place in all areas of activity. The IoT Week by CITC will cover the following topics: social changes, new modes of consumption, robotics, quantum... Spokespersons from Siemens, Transition-One, Simplon, Epitech, or retailers, will speak.
  • Special Plenary Meeting on December 9, 2022: "What are the next technological changes of the future?
    Intervention of elected officials, Siemens... The same day: EDIH - European Digital Innovation Hub workshop, Talk " Les Innovantes " with female entrepreneurs: Diagrams Technologies, My kenko and the association elles bougent, Workshop " Training: educational concepts are changing ", Conference " Men and robots, real opportunities for tomorrow ", " The future of our advanced agriculture "...

Translated from Évènement : l'édition 2022 de l’IoT Week by CITC se tiendra du 5 au 9 décembre