La Poste acquires OpenValue and inaugurates a new data and artificial intelligence division

La Poste acquires OpenValue and inaugurates a new data and artificial intelligence division

La Poste is progressively looking to use AI in its development strategy, notably through the strategic plan “La Poste 2030, committed to you” with digital as its main focus. In this context, the company has announced the acquisition of the big data and AI consulting firm OpenValue. The latter will join Probays, the subsidiary specialized in AI of the postal services operator, with the aim of offering support for AI projects while respecting an ethical framework.

The creation of a new data/IA division

This new pole gathers the skills of more than 150 experts in data and AI and their experience on complex and multi-sectorial projects integrating machine learning, deep learning, natural language recognition or computer vision processes. This rapprochement between Probays and OpenValue is part of La Poste’s desire to meet the needs and expectations of large companies. This is what Pierre-Etienne Bardin, chief data officer of La Poste Group and president of the new data/IA division, underlines:

“By combining the complementary expertise of OpenValue and Probayes, La Poste
a future leader in artificial intelligence consulting for large companies.
companies. With the skills of 150 AI experts, this pole of expertise will offer its customers a complete
customers a complete offer based on the ethical use of AI and the values of a trusted third party of La Poste.
La Poste’s values as a trusted third party.”

The creation of this cluster will allow La Poste to be in sync on many points related to AI and data: design and architecture of the global solution, transformation of data to adapt them to AI algorithms and creation of user interfaces.

Sovereignty and ethics at the center of the concerns

The acquisition of OpenValue allowed La Poste to find a partner sharing common values. The issue of ethics of artificial intelligence and technological sovereignty is addressed within the two structures with a similar vision. As a continuation and extension of the data charter launched by La Poste in 2016, the company will soon publish its ethical AI charter.

Guillaume Leboucher, founder and CEO of OpenValue evokes these fundamental notions in his remarks:

“We are very pleased with this merger with La Poste, which will give Openvalue the means to accelerate its development and to grow our know-how thanks to the power of a large group with which we share the same values of sovereignty and ethics in the service of our customers.”

Translated from La Poste acquiert OpenValue et inaugure un nouveau pôle data et intelligence artificielle